Monday, November 18, 2013

Don't Forget About Thanksgiving

It is official, holiday season is among us. At this time of year you hear your favorite holiday songs on the radio, see decorative  display  windows, and spot plenty of individuals walking around the streets holding their holiday themed Starbuck’s cups.  But it seems to be that once Halloween is over everyone’s mind goes to thinking about the holidays such as Christmas and Hanukah. But, why is that most tend to not want to celebrate Thanksgiving?
While growing up as a child Thanksgiving was my favorite holiday because it was the holiday that was devoted to food, family, laughter and, let’s not forget FOOD. However, the one problem that most tend to experience during this day is eating with their eyes and not their stomach.
By being away at college and not receiving those daily home cooked meals it can be an overwhelming situation when all of your favorite foods are all in one spot. In this article I will tell you how to how you can avoid that stuffed feeling of a Thanksgiving meal.
1.       Begin your morning like a regular day by partaking in a healthy breakfast.  Try not to tell yourself that you’re going to wait until the Thanksgiving meal to eat because this will more than likely have you overthinking about how hungry you are when it is time to sit down to eat and then you will over eat.
2.       Portion control is a must! I know you may think that your one uncle is going to eat all of your favorite entrée which is why you need to get as much of it as possible while you still have a chance but, this should not be the case. If anything grab yourself a doggy bag so you can have your favorite entrée dish to eat for the next day.
3.       After partaking in your Thanksgiving try and be active. Whether you are being active by going on a nice family walk or you are racing around the mall to find some good black Friday sales just make sure to be active to burn off some of those Thanksgiving calories.
Remember that Thanksgiving only comes around once a year and it is a great time to spend time with the family and reflect on all of the positive things that you have in your life. It is ok to have this day be a cheat day. Just remember all foods in moderation and enjoy every bite.

By: Rachel Johnson and Erin O'Shaughnessy 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Meatless Monday

How many times would you say that you consume meat in a given week? Every day, three times a week? If you feel as though you may be consuming large amounts of meat you may want to partake in the movement that will be explained further in this article. Here at Syracuse University, there is a campaign similar to Healthy Monday that is called Meatless Monday.
Meatless Monday came about by one of our Syracuse University Alumni, Sid Lerner. One day Sid Lerner was thinking about ways in which he could improve his diet after discussing his health with his doctor. At first, Lerner was going to cut meat all together from his diet but he realized that he would miss meat too much. He later did some calculations and decided that by not consuming any meat once a day out of the week would help him in becoming a healthier individual. After Lerner’s discovery advertisement of Meatless Monday, it is now a campaign that is known across the world.  
One reason why one should try and reduce their meat intake is because it can help in reducing their chances of developing heart disease or cancer. Also, studies have shown that by cutting back on red meats and other processed meats it can help against obesity and diabetes.
But, let me remind you that by cutting meat out of your day will not be as beneficial to your health if you do not find healthy choices to supplement for that meat. On the day that you decide you do not want to consume meat eat, vegetables, fruits, nuts and look up meatless recipes.  
If you think that this might be a movement that you may want be a part of feel free to go to and get more information. Also, Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion which is linked to Syracuse University Maxwell College also promotes Healthy Monday. And here is a link to their website dealing with Healthy Monday which I would highly suggest taking a look at. 

For those of you who do decide to try Meatless Monday I hope that it goes well.  And always remember to be healthy and be happy!

By: Rachel Johnson and Erin O’Shaughnessy

Monday, November 4, 2013

 How many times have you been sitting in class when all of sudden you hear that enormous sneeze from directly behind you? Immediately you feel as though you are being immersed in a million germs! Ladies and Gentleman welcome to flu season. As the air gets colder and winter slowly draws near, illness begins to flourish on campus. This being said, there are ways to stay clear and help prevent the spread of this infamous bug!
At your first convenience, head down to health services and get that flu shot. Health Services is located on 111 Waverly Ave Syracuse, NY 13244. Check out local pharmacies, like Rite-Aid, as other vaccination locations too.
Next, it’s all about personal hygiene, wash those hands! Dirt and germs are everywhere so taking that extra 10 seconds to wash them away can help. Also, try to wipe down surface areas such as tables, school computers and gym equipment before making use of them.
A well nourished body = A strong body. When it’s cold out our immune systems weaken. Get those proper nutrients by eating fresh fruits and veggies. Try preparing yourself a nice hearty soup mixed with a variety of veggies. It’s tasty and hearty healthy!
These are just some tips in keeping yourself illness free! Help prevent that nasty bug from spreading and stay healthy as the holidays approach!

      Rachel Johnson & Erin O'Shaughnessy